Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I blinked and then...

 My infant turned into a toddler.  She is saying new words almost daily.  The list of words that she can say has nearly tripled in the last month.  And this sleep training thing gets better every night.  I'm hesitating to say we are done... (but it feels like we are there!!!)  She has slept throughout the night for the past 3 nights in a row.  For the past three mornings, I have woken up and I can't believe we have all slept straight through.  It's like a dream.
Also, Winnie used her potty tonight for the first time.  Jake and I clapped and praised her.  She got the greatest smile across her sweet little baby face.
The milestones that she has been crossing are wonderful ones.  Speaking makes everything easier because she can relay to me what she needs or wants, even with a single word.  Sleeping through the night is like an old friend that I have been reunited with (and it feels so good.)  And who misses diapers??
I still can't help but feel a sting in the back of my throat when I imagine not being able to hold her in my arms and breathe in her scent.  When she won't look at me like I am her whole world, because I won't be anymore.  It's heartbreaking.  Yet, all I want is for my daughter to thrive and grow.  I rejoice in her milestones and they burn.
I know I keep bringing it up.  I can't stop thinking about these bittersweet days.  I'm trying to enjoy every. single. moment.


Aunt Lisa said...

Do enjoy every moment..they will always need their Mamas but they just won't need us the same way. She is a wonderful gift from God...praise him and thank him for this wonderful, precious baby girl you have. I know you are a wonderful loving Mom. just keep being that Mom! I love you!

Mycharmingcolors said...

YAY for sleep!
and I totally know the feeling, my heart just aches when I think of the day when Judah wont let me hold him close, and even though I think its sometimes a pain that he has to take his mid day naps laying on my lap, I think I would be really sad once he doesn't do it any more.

Ah, why can't our wittles always stay wittle.